Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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Take the PCC's Annual Survey

Dorset’s Police and Crime Commissioner is calling for residents to complete the Annual Survey, which provides key information over how safe the people of Dorset feel where they live.

Following the Police and Crime Commissioner elections earlier this year, PCC David Sidwick was returned to office for a second term and has set about updating his Police and Crime Plan to reflect the achievements made during his first term, alongside the changed national, regional, and local picture. 

Now, the PCC is asking the people of Dorset to complete the Annual Survey, telling him how safe they feel in their communities. The survey also wants to know how ‘visible and connected’ residents feel to Dorset Police, and whether they feel Dorset Police are using their resources to the best effect where they live.

Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner, David Sidwick said: “I know how important it is to feel safe where you live and that’s why I am asking as many Dorset residents as possible to complete my survey.

“I am your voice in policing and want to hear what matters to you and the crimes which affect where you live. This will allow me to take stock of how things have changed since last year.

“Your opinion matters to me, and to policing, and will help shape the work I do in the future. Thank you in advance for your time.”

You can take the survey here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AS24DA

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Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner

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