Dorset PCC Alert
Helping you to keep your community safe
This is the community messaging system for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset.
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Latest Dorset Alerts

Crime and Policing Bill: what’s already happening in Dorset – part two
This newsletter is the second part of my look at the new Crime and Policing Bill, which was introduc...

Crime and Policing Bill: what’s already happening in Dorset
This week, a major piece of legislation was introduced by government – the Crime and Policing Bill. ...

Vigilance around online dating on Valentine's Day with new safety campaign
Over the next couple of months, I will be taking a closer look at the areas of crime that most conce...

Statement on Poole Bus Station
Last week I met with the MP for Poole, Neil Duncan-Jordan following his request to discuss Poole B...
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